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Paula’s Perfect Plate: “Eat Breakfast Like a King, Lunch Like a Prince and Dinner Like a Pauper”


“Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper.” I don’t know who came up with this clever (and effective) weight management strategy, but it is a great way to remember how to portion your calories throughout the day. Although on this menu, dinner is nothing to scoff at. There is tremendous benefit to waning your calories as the day progresses.

Progressively limiting your calories and carbohydrates nearing dinner helps your metabolism continue to work. The result is a restful night sleep, effective caloric burn while resting, less need for your body to store an overabundance of carbohydrates, and, finally, an ample amount of protein during rest, which is the foundation for repair and rejuvenation of cells.  So, all-in-all, it’s the perfect day!

Now, let’s take a look at the delicious food you will be enjoying. The day begins with a four-egg-white omelet and creamy, vanilla yogurt. Both morning and afternoon snacks are straight out of the garden from Paula’s new cookbook, Paula Deen Cuts the Fat; enjoy a delicious summer Southern Tomato Sandwich and Cheese-Stuffed Bell Peppers. For lunch, enjoy two of my personal favorites that can be found on my website: old-fashioned Grape Salad and two hearty bun-less Spinach Burgers. But wait, there’s more! For dinner, enjoy a classic dinner salad loaded with all the delicious summer vegetables you can stand and a piece of grilled Sockeye Salmon.

Paula's Perfect Plate


Whoever said eating a balanced, nutritionally dense diet was boring has never tried one of Paula’s Perfect Plate menus.

For more information on how you can build your own perfect plate, click here.

Until Next Time… LIVE INSPIRED!!!

Robin xoxo

Robin Shea - As a healthy lifestyle mentor, speaker, celebrity cook, and creator of The 80/20 Lifestyle, Robin Shea is committed to providing her clients with reliable sources for nutritional and fitness guidance, among other aspects of healthy living. Robin has been helping people embrace healthier food choices, fall in love with fitness, and correct plain old stinkin’ thinkin’ for over 14 years.



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