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Paula’s 2020 New Year’s Resolution


How is it that another year has come and gone? It’s that time of year again where we set our intentions for the coming year, and my only resolution is probably one that a lot of you have set too.

Y’all know that my family has grown over the years to include nine beautiful grandbabies, and I even have one more on the way! Jamie and Brooke will be blessing me with another beautiful grandson this year, and I couldn’t be happier. But those of you with grandchildren know just how quickly they grow up, and mine are no exception! In fact, my youngest grandchildren, Bobby and Claudia’s triplets, are over a year old already. Plus, my first grandchild, Jack, turned 13 last year, and I still can hardly believe he’s a teenager!

A lot of y’all may have also heard that I lost my brother, Bubba, last year to pancreatic cancer. Losing him was one of the most difficult things I’ve ever dealt with because not only was he my brother, but he was also like a child to me—you may or may not know that after our parents passed away, a teenage Bubba came to live with me. But the loss of Bubba was a hard reminder that I need to make the most of the time I’m given with those I love. For all of these reasons, I’ve decided that this year, there’s only one resolution that matters—carving out more of quality time with my family from my busy work schedule and being present and mindful during that time.

With my family growing, I just want to spend every minute I can showin’ them how much I love them. After all, the people you love in life are really the only things that matter. It’s easy to get bogged down with bills and work, but when all is said and done, I’ll never wish I worked more—simply to have more time with my family.

Happy New Year!


Paula Deen - As a young girl growing up in Albany, Georgia, Paula Deen never dreamed she would become an American icon. As a young mother, Paula was living the American dream — married to her high school sweetheart and raising two adorable boys — when tragedy struck. Her parents died, her marriage failed and she began a prolonged battle with agoraphobia. With her boys in their teens and her family near homelessness, Paula took her last $200, reached deep inside her soul and started The Bag Lady, a home-based catering company that marked the start of Deen's professional cooking career. With sons Jamie and Bobby delivering lunch-and-love-in-a-bag, beginning in June 1989, Paula turned her life around by sharing what she knew best, traditional Southern cooking.
